Course Outline



  • Basic usage and terms
  • Defining observers
  • Subscribing
  • Creating observables
  • Multicasting
  • Error handling

The RxJS Library

  • Creation functions
  • Operators
  • Common operators
  • Error handling
  • Handling failed observable
  • Naming conventions

Observables in Angular

  • Event emitter
  • HTTP
  • Async pipe
  • Router
  • Reactive forms

Practical Usage

  • Type-ahead suggestions
  • Exponential backoff

Observables vs Promises

  • Creation and subscription
  • Chaining
  • Cancellation
  • Error handling

Observables vs Events API

Observables vs Arrays

Summary and Conclusion


  • A solid foundation in Angular coding.
  • An understanding of basic web technologies.
  • Experience with Typescript.


  • Angular application developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (2)

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